As an avid follower of some influencers and organisations who promote sustainability, I have come to learn about many ways to easily transit and swap your lifestyle out to be more sustainable and eco-friendly. Even in my household, we are constantly finding ways to reduce waste and also use more sustainable products! Would you like to join in on being more green? 🌱
This blog post will be featuring amazing products from The Sustainability Project (TSP), one of our merchants in our Local Market segment! 💚
First off, we do laundry every other day.
The amount of water and energy that laundry takes is a lot.
A tip to cut the laundry load’s energy use by half is to switch your temperature setting from hot to warm. It’s even better if cold water can be used, as it reduces the pressure on the machines. To replace laundry detergent, using a laundry sheet is a great idea! Take a look at TSP’s laundry sheets here. These sheets are zero waste and plastic-free!
Img: TSP /Laundry Sheets
With TSP’s dish washing bar (it’s multipurpose!), you can wash your dishes with your heart at ease. This bar strikes a balance with washing the dishes and saving the earth.
Like I said, it’s multipurpose. This bar can also be used for laundry and other cleaning purposes! How remarkable is this, to be able to use one item for different functions?
Img: TSP / Dish Washing Bar
In the kitchen, what you would need would also be utensils like plates and bowls.
If you have ever heard of the brand Stojo, you would know that they are known for collapsible products like bottles and bowls. Stojo’s aim is to continually design earth-conscious and impact-free products that would also make living sustainably simpler.
Although it may not be as common yet, there is an increasing amount of people who are motivated to bring reusable containers and bottles to takeaway food and beverages, due to the amount of waste and material used for taking away food items. The Stojo reusable silicone bowls will allow you to eradicate plastic and styrofoam used during takeaways. It’s easy to store due to its collapsible design, and it’s also safe for microwaving and freezing.
Really? yes.
Click here to view.

Img: TSP /Stojo Collapsible Bowl
Are you enticed to switch to a more low-waste lifestyle yet?
I feel like this next product might be one of the most useful, as well as easy to transit to. We all commonly use Ziploc bags for various reasons, and now it’s time to find an alternative! The Stasher is the world’s first fully-functioning, self-sealing bag that is NON-PLASTIC! There is no BPA, no PVC, no latex. No harmful chemicals/substances allowed here. 🙅
If you’re afraid that it doesn’t work… Well, it does! It does its job and keeps food fresh while in storage.
Also… it comes in cute colours. Not joking, you’ll be spoilt for choice!
😍 See the colours here

Img: TSP /Stasher
What’s next? 🧐
Well, we also brush our teeth twice daily…
Do you see where I’m going here? All these small little changes in our routine life can make a big difference. We do laundry, wash dishes, eat, brush our teeth, etc. every day & there are so many creations out there that are much more ‘Earth-first’ in their essence. ❤️
At TSP, they have bamboo toothbrushes. Bamboo toothbrushes do the job just as well as regular toothbrushes. In fact, the materials used are probably gentler on your teeth. You don’t have to feel uneasy about hygiene or molding, bacteria should be at the least of your worries (as long as you store them well!) because bamboo also contains antimicrobial agents.
Think about it, oftentimes we change our toothbrush at the rate of every 3-4 months. The amount of toothbrushes we go through in our lifetime is a fair amount. 😢 The plastic material in toothbrushes is also not recyclable and has notoriously poor biodegradability.
Changing up to bamboo toothbrushes is also a simple change!
Get started now.
Img: TSP /Bamboo Toothbrush
Have I convinced you enough? Do check out their website and Instagram for more products, tips and updates!
Hope this inspires someone out there to begin adopting a more ecological and Earth-friendly lifestyle. 💖🌱
Shop the above mentioned products (& more!) on
from 7th-10th October 2021 to get their products at 10% off!
Baby steps to going green.
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